Saturday, December 29, 2007
Season's Greetings To All
I've been very busy this past few days. Who isn't during holidays? I made this LO to greet everyone Happy Holidays! Season doesn't end until the 3 kings right?
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Wild Wild West
QC Girls
QC with Makati Office Staff
QC Cat Dolls Dancing to the tune of Don't Cha
Winners of Best in Costume
The Whole QC Gang
S-IK Family
Cry Baby
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Meant for me..
Last night, my sister asked me if I could accompany her to glorietta. Since I still have a lot of things to buy I decided to join her. It was already 8 pm when I arrived at glorietta. Good thing they are open until 11 pm because my Ate took a long time finding an outfit she's going to wear at their christmas party. After she was finished, she told me that she saw the silk dress at Bayo. It was relocated on the 3rd floor. We were already tired but I still insisted on going to Bayo. I was so happy when I saw it and what made me more ecstatic is that it was 50 % off!!! Lucky lucky me..( I felt like I was Lindsay Lohan in the movie Just my Luck) *lol*. They don't have a size one on the red color but they have it on blue. I tried it on, it was a perfect fit. But then I noticed that its belt was missing. So I asked the saleslady for the belt and she said they don't have it. It's already been pulled out. What?! Why did they do that? The belt is an accessory of the dress. I asked her if they can still retrieve it because I was really going back just to get the belt but she said she's not sure. Despite the belt missing, I was still going to buy the dress. I returned a size 0 on the rack when I noticed that one of the dresses have a belt on. Lucky lucky me again. I took the belt and bought the dress. Happy happy happy!!!

This incident, I believe, is proof that if something is really meant for you, no matter how long it takes, it will still find its way to you.. Happy happy happy!!! *lol*
Thursday, December 13, 2007
One of my worst days...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Straightened it out
Kit from shabby princess SPcom_RPENN_expressyourself
Saturday, December 8, 2007
A tag I grabbed

This bag was a gift from my BF. I was with him when he bought it. He was the one who chose it because he has better taste in bags *lol*..
- Wallet (a gift from BF)
- Coin purse (which is out of coins)
- Cologne (baby bench)
- Travel pack tissue (for emergency *lol*)
- Hand and nail cream
- Colored, glittered, scented pens
- Earphone (for my cel)
- Cellphone (currently using to take pic)
- keychain with keys of course
- Company ID
- Eyeglasses (Nerdy one)
- USB flash drive ( I took from BF)
- Vit. C (Fern-C)
- Umbrella (cannot live without my umbrella, ella, ella, e,e,e..*lol*)
- And last but not the least my kikay kit. What' s inside it?
I have inside my kikay kit: loose powder, cologne (again), mirror, pallette of lipstick, comb ( usually guys use this kind of comb), bronzer, lipsticks and pony tail.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Celebrating love...
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Connected at last!
It's already 2 in the morning and it's time to take my beauty rest *lol*..
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
No time to blog
Saturday, November 17, 2007
SPC Seminar
As I was about to leave for the seminar my stomach felt funny. I'm not sure if it was excitement or nervousness that caused that feeling but it was intense. So intense that I had to vomit. I still had to look for the location of the seminar so I left early. Luckily,the commute from our house to ortigas was smooth and the building was not that hard to locate so I arrived there early. I was offered coffee but refused to take it because my stomach condition was not normal. There were only 3 participants and the speaker was late because it was raining hard that day so the three of us had time to get to know each other. Both of them work for electronics company. The seminar started slow but became more interesting as we went further. Eventhough that time I already have a fever and checking the time every now and then I still was interested because there's so much to learn and I enjoyed it. We extended a little so I came home a little longer than I expected. During the trip home I started to feel that intense feeling in my stomach so I decided to take the quickest route home. As I entered our house I went straight to the lavatory and you know what happened next *lol*. Since I still have a day to go I drank meds to relieve the fever. The next day my fever was gone but I have LBM naman. huhuhu... I had to go to the bathroom thrice. I drank diatabs, it went away (buti na lang). I felt much better during the second day of the seminar. In fairness, sir Joe (our speaker) was early. We had a little picture taking before we left (as remembrance). The three of us (jhen and ocel) promised to stay in touch through e-mail and friendster.
Sir Joe, Julie, Ocel, Jhen, and me
Saturday, November 3, 2007
A birthday blog long overdue
This is the first look

Second look. Nice right?
Aside from the bag, Ason also gave me a Banoffee Pie from Red Ribbon. Yummy!!!

On the day of my birthday (October 21,2007), my family and I went to Huey Ying Resto for lunch celebration. The place was full of people. There were still people waiting to be seated. Some even left. In short, Ason was busy so we left early.
My birthday this year doesn't feel special. I don't know why. It doesn't feel complete. :(
Friday, November 2, 2007
- Garlic - Even Louis Pasteur, who discovered penicillin, recognized the anti-bacterial powers of garlic back in 1858. And during World War One surgeons regularly used garlic juice to stop wounds turning septic. Most of the modern research on garlic has concentrated on its ability to lower cholesterol and blood pressure as well as offering protection against strokes and heart disease. Scientists have also looked at the role garlic plays in helping prevent the formation of blood clots. While garlic is gathering a reputation for helping to maintain a healthy heart, regular amounts of garlic seems to also help the body fight off infections.
- Ginseng - For centuries, ginseng has been used as an energy tonic by the Chinese, who continue to use it for this purpose even today. In the western world, ginseng is being studied for a number of purposes, from treating stress to increasing levels of alertness and mental clarity. Many studies have shown that ginseng is able to reduce levels of stress in both men and women. In many clinical studies of the herb’s effects, those taking regular ginseng supplements were able to withstand higher levels of emotional and physical stress than those who had never taken the herb. In addition to its traditional role as stress fighter, ginseng has shown great promise at reducing fatigue, increasing memory and even fighting off colds, flu and other infections.
- Grapeseed Extract - Taking grape seed extract can help improve blood circulation, which help prevent leg cramps, diabetes complications, varicose veins, numbness in the extremities, muscular degeneration, cataracts and impotence. Because most of these health conditions more commonly occur and are severe among the elderly, grape seed extract can be especially beneficial to them. Grape seed extract is also believed to partially block the release of prostaglandin, the substance responsible for causing pain and inflammation in disorders such as endometriosis. Grape seed extract is commonly used as an ingredient in European facial creams. When used as a topical ointment, grape seed extract is believed to help maintain the skin’s elasticity.
- Ginkgo Biloba - Ginkgo is well recognized for its positive effect on brain functioning - enhancing memory, mental alertness and reducing mental fatigue and lack of energy. As ginkgo works as a brain enhancer, it has obvious benefits for individuals who suffer from Alzheimer's disease. Even for a healthy person, Ginkgo Biloba can help improve brain function by preventing and treating conditions of cerebral vascular deficiencies, where there's decreased flow of blood to the brain.
I bought 15 capsules today to help me absorb everything that I will read for my board exam. I also wanted to take vitamin c but was not sure if it is ok so I asked the pharmacist, and she said it is ok. So tonight will be my first time to take 4G, hopefully it would work for me. Pahabol lang.. Another reason pa pala why I wanted to take it because I have a training regarding statistical process control this coming 3rd week of november. It's a pretty tough topic so just to make sure I will be able to understand and absorb it well, I decided to try 4G. If it works for me, i'll definitely blog about it.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Future worries
Ride of my Life

Our initial plan talaga was to go to star city afterwards, special request ni chinkee. But on our way to the seaside, we saw that the global fun carnival located beside moa was already open, so we decided to go there instead. And besides baka hindi na rin nagpapasok sa star city. It was their opening day so they took 30% off on ride all you can price. Supposedly, we are to pay 300, with the discount, we only paid 210. There were only a few people inside, and there were only few rides. We first rode the mini roller coaster. At first we were very excited. The 4 of us took the last cart, Jhonna and I were sitted at the back seat. On the way down the steep slope, bigla na lang tumaas ung nakapatong sa dibdib namin, that was supposed to protect us from falling. We tried to pull it down but were unsuccessful. Nagpanic kami. We have to really hang on to to the handle to prevent us from falling. When we passed by the operators, they secured it. Parang sinisi pa nila kami. As if we intentionally pulled it up. After that, we told the operators to secure it for the next passengers.
That ride was really scary in terms of safety ha. Our next ride, carousel *lol*. Almost everyone in the carnival were carrying stuff toys. In fairness cute ung stuffed toys, unlike sa star city *lol*. So we decided to try one game. It's a bit expensive, 50 pesos per game. We chose the game where you will get a floating duck using a stick with a hook on the end. If there is something on the bottom of the duck, then you will get a stuff toy. You have 2 chances.

After the game, we tried the swing. At first it was ok but when we were spinning too fast I was worried. What if biglang maputol ung kadena? Saan ako pupulutin? I just prayed for it to end. When at last the swing came to a stop, I took my slippers then left. When we joined our friends who didn't try the ride they said my swing was spinning from all directions. Others were spinning only on one direction. Kaya pala hilo ako. My eyes were shut the whole time. The carnival is open only up to 12 midnight. It was already 11:30, so we decided to take the last ride, the flipper. The ride took 2 minutes to finish. It was the most scariest ride we've tried. It seemed as if we were spinning so fast our heads might be cut off. We never tried the ranger where you will be hanged upside down. I wouldn't dare try that one. After the ride two of my friends vomitted. Their stomachs were not in good condition before the ride but still went to try it. Harry was laughing and was making fun of chinkee and maan. He even took pictures of them while puking but I wouldn't post that here.

The two girls smiling. The other two vomitting.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Craving for Pasta

Spaghetti ala Carbonara..Yummy!

Monching, Emee, and Ate EdenNeed I say who we are?
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Glorietta Tragedy
Two days after the said bombing ( I heard from a report this morning that investigators think that it's only an accident. Gas leak? I don't think so. There was no fire!), another tragedy happened. Still in glorietta. This time it was a fire. The paluto retaurant at G4 was burned. A lot of people panicked. Good thing, the fire was quickly put out.
Two tragedy. Same place, in the same week. A series of bad luck for Glorietta mall.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I love scrap
Monday, October 15, 2007
Love Endures
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Longing for Racks
I wanted to eat there again, hopefully soon..
Saturday, October 6, 2007
My new Gadget

Monday, October 1, 2007
A sad reality...
What happened, according to one of my officemate who talked to Kuya Lito, was his son was riding a tricycle, he went off the tricycle to give way to another passenger then he accidently leaned on a street lamp post which was grounded. It was raining that day which made the matter worst. He was dead on arrival at the hospital. This boy is only 15 years old.
It is helpful to know the first aid for electricution just in case you happen to see someone who has been electricuted. This procedure can help lives.
My parting note for this post would be that our lives are only borrowed from God. He is the only One who can give and take away life. We shouldn't take this gift of life for granted....
Our plan to eat at Racks and to buy a cellphone was cancelled.huhuhu...In another time, hopefully before my birthday.