
Friday, October 24, 2008

Best Birthday Gift ever!

I was so ecstatic to receive the best birthday gift I could ever receive.

Here's the story....

October 18, Saturday. Ason and I went to Midtown Robinson's Place Ermita to look for something that I would like him to give me for my birthday. I really have no specific thing in mind. The mall was having a 3-day sale at the time. Maybe it would be the last for this year since christmas season is fast approaching. Anyway, I went through most the shops. I was thinking clothes would be the safest thing I could ask for. But too bad, I never found anything I want, not even close to anything I like. When I went looking for Ason (we separated, he looked for things he could buy) I found him eating halo-halo at Razon's. After then we went to midtown. I checked out a few stores but was unsuccessful. Then I had an idea. I was going crazy about twilight and I have only read the first book. I need to have the last 3 books. I told him that that is what I wanted. It was very hard to find a copy of these books. All of the bookstores that I went to have no stocks. He told me he'll check out at Sta. Rosa if they have stocks.

After we finished at Robinson's, we went to Harrison Plaza. He need to make some transactions at the bank. Instead of going with him, I went to national bookstore. As expected , no stocks! I was already hungry at that time so went to MOA and ate at President's Tea house. I was so full but not that satisfied, maybe because I wanted to eat at Almon Marina but he doesn't want to. After dinner, I strolled a while, alone, in the mall. I passed by Fully Booked and saw the poster of the release of the Breaking Dawn. That poster wasn't there when I went a day before. I was tempted to check it out. And to my my surprise, there was this table full of twilight series books! Complete from book 1 to 4! I was so excited. I called Ason immediately and asked him to go back to buy me the books! I couldn't remove the smile on my face, I was so happy! I've never been so excited as this! I will get to read the whole Edward and Bella Story! Aside from the original books, there was this special edition twilight book with a free movie poster! Ason asked me if I wanted that too. I do want it but refused because I already have the first book. As for the poster, I have tons of pictures in the computer back home so there really is no need for that.

I felt like a fool, smiling while walking. Of course I have a reason but the people that passed by me doesn't know that.

All in all, the best birthday gift ever! Not expensive but I consider it my most priced possession as of the moment.

Twilight series books

Happy Happy!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


This is going to be a long post...

About a week ago, my youngest sister isay, have been talking nonstop about this book her friends were reading. The book by Stephenie Meyer is entitled Twilight, which will soon be a major motion picture. I got curious. I thought there was already a movie by that title and when I narrated to her the movie she said it wasn't that. Hhmmm...still curious.

I was surprised when I got home last friday. My sister bought the book, which took forever to buy because every bookstore ran out of stock. She already started reading but I interrupted her because again of my curiosity. I wanted to be the first one to finish it which is most likely because i'm a fast reader.

After reading the first chapter I was hooked! I couldn't let it down. More than I got hooked with Harry Potter and Match me if you can. I stopped reading around 2 am, not because i'm already tired nor sleepy but because I needed to sleep. I have already finished half of the book!

The sun was up saturday morning and the first thing I did was to continue reading. My sister and I had plans to go Trinoma to look for a dress to wear on my cousin's debutante party. Laziness and the urge to finish the book got the best of me so we went to Robinsons Manila instead (bringing the book of course). We weren't able to find a dress so I decided to have my hair treated (which will be elaborated in another post).

We went home and my reading still continued. Every chapter seemed like the climax, you really have to read the next to end the suspense. I was saddened to see that i'm almost finished. 2 am came and I finished it. I have never felt so kilig! Since the movie is coming out soon and knowing who will play each character, it's so easy to imagine.

I can't wait for the movie this coming November 21. I'll be posting about it another time. I have so many things to say about the movie! I will include the trailer and some of the character's photos.

To learn more about the author and the twilight saga (that makes everyone crazy including me), check it out here.