Our company had its Christmas Party at Techno Park Hotel in Sta. Rosa Laguna. When we got there, we first had our merienda of baked zitti and two slices of brownies. It was yummy! I wanted to ask for a refill but I guess it was only limited.
Then the party started with an opening prayer and remarks from our Sales Manager, Mr. Takahashi. We had games, raffle and Bingo. I got the 33rd prize, a single burner gas stove (which I will give to my friend who is getting married) and 1500 pesos cash. BF only got the consolation prize of 1200 pesos. I was only able to join one game, the newspaper dance. My partner? Who else?! *LOL* We did not win because BF has a big foot..hehe...
Our HR OIC rented an acoustic band as per request of our operators. The band was ok except for the female vocalist who was frowning the whole time. I don't know what her problem was but it sure is unethical to show it while they were performing.
Except for the band, the party was enjoyable!
With our Japanese Bosses

Red Outfit

BF won in bring me game

My S-IK family
The theme of the party was Red and Green. The colors of Christmas...