Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Here's the story...
After our lunch last Sunday, one of my classmates in FPPF suggested that we take our group picture. I was standing under the shade when all of a sudden a cat bit me. I didn't even notice it was there. I don't know if I stepped on it. I was shocked! When I checked the wound it wasn't that bad, it didn't bleed so I ignored it because I wa enjoying our photography class.
By the time I got home and told my parents about it they immediately told me to go to the animal bite center near our place. It was a Sunday so I had to wait until the next day to go there.
I informed my boss what happened to me, and that I won't be reporting for work that day. I was accompanied by my father. When we got to the center they told us that they ran out of the anti-rabbies vaccine so they referred us to Pasay General Hospital. Aside from the anti-rabbies vaccine they had to give me an anti-tetanus vaccine as well. The anti-rabbies shots ( 2 shots) were injected on my back. The anti-tetanus shots which were really painful were injected on both arms. In fairness, there was no fever, only pain.
I still have 3 more shots of the vaccine. The second one I had today. Next, on Monday and the last one next month. I'm telling you, getting bitten by an animal is really expensive.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Zaiah's Invitation
Yesterday, as Rodney and I were talking I told him that he should have scheduled it on May 31 so I can attend and at the same time offer my services as the photographer of the event. He was actually thinking of the same thing. Kahit ung mga pictures na lang daw ang iregalo ko. The next thing I know he was calling the church and had the date moved to May 31. Kakahiya sobra so in return I offer to make Zaiah an invitation and here's what I made for her.

I was kinda not satisfied with the first one because it looks like an invitation for a birthday party so I made another one.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Photography Class Day 2

Prof. Angeles criticizing our work.

My best photo winnerMy needs improvement photo winner
When classes resumed after lunch Prof. Angeles showed us a slide show of her trip to Babuyan Island. Each picture has a story. It would have been nice if the projector was working properly. All we see is black and white, no colors *LOL*. Before her lecture about composition she made us sing this hymn in photography that she wrote years ago. It was actually easy to learn and she was so happy that we were able to sing it well. I hope she won't ask us to sing one by one 'coz I kinda forgotten the melody of a few lines *LOL*.
For our next assignment we were asked to shoot inside fort santiago. Taking into consideration of course our lesson in composition. We were grouped by 8, aside from the photos from each member we were also asked to prepare a cheer. Yikes! I hope they'll come up with a good cheer even though most of my teammates were male.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Little Dreamer
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Photography Class Day 1
Lecture with Sir Ado Pamintuan
Bam asking question about her Fuji SLR
Tried the panning technique but to no success
During class
By the end of the lesson, we were given 10 assignments. 10!
1. Shallow depth of field
2. Deep depth of field
3. Motion blur
4. Motion freeze
5. Close-up
6. Patterns
7. Texture
8. Shapes
9. White on white
10. Black on black
Even before leaving I was already thinking of what subjects to choose, how I can achieve it and when can I shoot it.