It's been over a month now since my last post. A lot of things had happened. I never got to share what we've gone thru on judgement day. I hope I can still remember everything.
February 27,2009
We went to work as usual but the difference of this day was that we we were expecting something bad will happen (There were a lot of signs already). Upon arrival at the plant, we were surprised to see a lot of security guards positioned on different parts of the plant. There were also unfamiliar cars parked inside. I went inside QC room and found my boss with swollen red eyes. She had been crying the whole night thinking. We tried to comfort her, telling her that everything will be alright.
Around 9:00 AM, everybody was asked to proceed to the conference room. When we got there (QC people), the long table was placed in front of the room with chairs facing the employees. Then came the management along with the company's lawyers.
Our President stood up, and told us that the mother company decided that they will close down S-IK Philippines for good. There were two reasons. First was due to low production quantity and the second was because of customs. Everyone was silenced. Some were crying. Then, our HR Manager explained that the company was generous enough to give us a 1.5% separation pay (Normally, you will only receive half of your salary for every year of service.). We were called one by one, talked to a lawyer, received our checques afterwhich we gathered our personal belongings and off we go. Nobody was allowed to stay too long, they provided a shuttle service to which brought employees home. As for us, BF asked his brother to pick us up.
We were saddened by what happened but we really can't do anything about it. We need to move on, find better oppotunities.
March 1,2009
Wilson and I attended mass then had dinner. I guess he noticed how sad I was so he asked me why. I told him that I still had a lot of things left to do in the office, and leaving it just like that felt wrong. That was when he told me that they were asked to come back again to finish their work. On QC side, it was my boss and emee who were called. Ok na rin for me at least we could finish our pending work.
March 2, 2009
I asked Wilson to inform me whatever will happen that day. The management spoke to them one by one regarding the salary that they will receive and the how long their service will be needed. As for Wilson, of course I don't how much he's salary was but he did not complain, so I guess he's satisfied with the offer. His contract is up to April 30,2009. I asked about our dept., he was so amazed with emee. She did not sign the contract unless there was another QC staff that will work with her. I tell you, we have a lot of work, one person will go mad trying to finish everything. That was when they asked me.
March 3, 2009
There was no other choice except me. All the other QC staff were unavailable already. When the management talked to me they said that they cannot provide a service car for me. They really need me so what they did was they adjust my time. I can go home by 4 and they will give me transportation allowance. I signed the contract, which will end on April 30, 2009.

with our mommy
You can check out more pics here.
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