I like burgers. It's not a favorite but I would want to eat it occasionally. Other than burgers found at a regular fastfood like Jollibee and McDo, I have also tried burgers at Brother's Burgerand Wham!. So far Wham burger is on the top of my list. An officemate of mine has been raving about the burger at Army Navy so I've been meaning to try it since then.
Last night, while waiting for the rain to stop and the flood to subside I went to Glorietta 5 where there is a branch of Army Navy. I was so excited that I'm finally gonna get to try their burger. I ordered a single patty burger, freedom fries and the LIBERTea Iced Tea.
So what is their rating?
They FLUNKED! Totally failed my taste test...
The burger patty is dry. The fries is very thinly sliced (I like thick fries), a little bit spicy and tastes like KFC fries. Their LIBERTea Iced Tea? Very bitter. I thought the dark sesame seeds on the burger bun was the culprit for the bitterness but as I sip the Iced tea the bitterness intensifies. It's also too pricey for me, maybe because I wasn't satisfied with their food?

These are what I ordered
The following day, I told my officemate about my experience at Army Navy. He couldn't believe it. He was at two of its branches at Greenhills and SM North and everytime he was very satisfied. So I was wondering, was it just that particular branch at Glorietta? Well, one thing's for sure, I won't be eating at their branch in Glorietta again. Or maybe not eat at Army Navy at all... :(
Wham burger, you're still the no. 1 burger for me....
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