
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tested Positive

Newborn screening is now being performed to babies immediately after birth. Just to make sure the baby is healthy and also to prepare the parents in case of positive results.

Yesterday was my nephew's schedule for another vaccine. It was also when my sister got the result for his newborn screen tests (my sister forgot about it). She was surprised to find out that Miguel tested positive for glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency! The doctor suggested that they take him to the National Institute for Health to have a confirmatory test. Most of the babies with this condition tested negative on the confirmatory test. We will not know the result 'til July 17. We all hope and pray that the test result will be negative. If he tested positive, he couldn't take drugs with oxidizing agents as this will cause him to have a certain type of anemia.

We are all scared but at the same time thankful that we had found his condition sooner.

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